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How to order – Caips


Register yourself with us and remember the ID and password
Upload all the documents and submit the details as requested
Make the payment via clicking on the PayPal logo or if you want any other mode of payment you can contact us at help@caipsfile.ca for an alternative source of payment.
A consent form will be provided from our end after the payment is done with all the details filled up and the applicant has to just sign it.
The signed copy of the consent form needs to be scanned properly and sent to our expert through mail and your CAIPS notes will be ordered by us.
That’s it, you are now registered with Caipsfile.ca, our team will keep you updated. You can also check your application status by logging into My Application. In case if you need help at any stage you can refer FAQ section or email us at help@caipsfile.ca.


Wondering how to apply for GCMS notes or how to apply for CAIPS Notes? We at Caipsfile.ca make it very easy for you to order CAIPS notes service, just by simply registering and uploading your documents at a click.

For CAIPS Notes or GCMS Notes, apply at our online portal for speedy services. We believe in serving you with the best in class services consisting of a transparent process, expert guidance and efficient services to ensure positive outcomes for you. Here, we are glad to explain to you in detail the step by step CAIPS / GCMS / FOSS Notes application procedure and basic documental requirements needed to go ahead with the same.

Once you register with us and upload the documents as required the rest of the process will be taken care of by us. Our elite team of experts will be in your touch to assist you related to your CAIPS / GCMS / FOSS notes request. Lastly, if there is a requirement of the CAIPS / FOSS / GCMS notes service of the dependent applicant, then you can attach their passport copy, refusal letter with the consent form IMM 5744 having their signature. We also provide CAIPS notes interpretation and recommendation service, so that you can conveniently proceed with a successful reapplication for your Canada visa.

Given below are the basic documents required for your application. You can directly upload these documents via your profile dashboard to initiate your application process with us. Moreover, you may find a detailed step by step procedure for applying for CAIPS / FOSS / GCMS notes as given below.


– Passport Copy (First, Last, and Stamped pages)
– UCI number and application number
– Refusal letter
– CIC requested additional documents or a request for appearing for the interview.
– Official consent form IMM 5744 with signature.
– Any other document requested by CIC

The average processing time after the request for CAIPS / FOSS / GCMS notes is of approximately 30 working days. Well, the request for interpretation of notes usually takes 3-5 working days.


– All the documents are accepted in the PDF, JPG/JPEG, PNG and DOC/DOCX formats. No other format is accepted while you upload the documents.

– If UCI number is lost then you need to provide each and every detail of your application. Furthermore, if there is a dependent applicant in your application you need to share their details too in a word format while attaching the documents that you provide to us. So, Caipsfile experts can look into your application accordingly.

Words From Clients

Connect with us to turn visa refusal into visa approval